Usually when I drop my kids off at daycare in the morning it is very hurried and I am often late for work. The teacher posts activities on the bulletin board of things that will be doing that week. She has a section called «Parent Involvement.» I read it, but don’t do anything, thinking I just have enough other things to do besides a ‘school activity’ for an infant and toddler.
One day after making it to work and seeing the company cube sitting on my desk, I thought about her. She is really making an effort at her job, and even though we don’t share an ‘office’, in a way, she is part of my workday. What could I do to help her?
I thought about the Winter Olympics coming up, so next time I saw her asked if she had anything planned for the kids. She didn’t, but asked if I had any ideas. I found some and emailed them to her. I didn’t hear anything, but one day my daughter came home with one of the crafts I suggested.
She helped me too – as that particular craft was a lot of preparation!
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