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The New Small Business Revolution
Our work life is filled with many challenges – deadlines, product or service errors, budgets, and sometimes people!
Choose to see all things and circumstances that appear to initially be obstacles to our success as springboards to our own improvement. Even competitors – who most often challenge us to be better at what service or product we provide – can become colleagues and friends.
Throughout the work day, find time to both ‘give and receive’ time and expertise.
Listen well, then share something that will help the other – a new idea or relevant experience. In making the other's need our own, we can ease each other's burdens and help create a workplace animated by a culture of service and giving.
If we see someone who is temporarily struggling on a deadline, a task or a difficult circumstance, jump right in without considering the personal cost.
Sometimes, offering assistance at just the right time can make all the difference in a company’s performance. And, who knows, it might be contagious, and we may end up benefiting from help the next time around. That’s how it works in a work environment where people don’t keep score.
Through work, we come in close contact with many different people – from co-workers to clients, vendors, the delivery person, and support staff.
No matter what position someone has in or outside the company, everyone is important to its success. Respect and understanding can be felt in each moment we interact, whether in person, on the telephone, or by email. Be sure that every person we meet today knows they are important and contributes to the success of the company!
In the busyness of each work day, find the time to get to know colleagues, clients, service providers and the local community too!
Growing in knowledge and understanding of one another helps break down barriers that prevent us from creating a workplace of shared responsibility. With these personal relationships come the motivations to give that 'something extra' of oneself and to truly help one another.
Nothing speaks louder than someone lending a helping hand at a critical moment.
Stopping to carry something, opening a door, commenting on an email, suggesting a new strategy, or staying after to cleanup our work area – all these are the ‘little things’ that bring about work place harmony and efficiency. Every job is everybody’s job! Don't just ‘think’ about being helpful, make the move, and see the wonderful things that can happen!