(USA) Competitors Can Be Friends Too! I rolled this today and was constantly reminded of it – we have been working together with one of our competitors on a project for a large client for several years now. It hasn’t always been easy, sometimes we think differently and don’t always agree. However, many times when … Continue Reading
Competitors Can Be Friends Too
Una metodología diferente con mis competidores
(Maria Ines Servidio Peralta, Cordoba, Argentina) – Era la primera vez que lanzaba el cubo y pensé “Lo peor que me puede suceder es que salga la cara de los Competidores, pero sería tener muy mala suerte”. Sin embargo, Dios sabe cómo hace las cosas y salió la cara que más temía: COMPETIDORES. Nunca se … Continue Reading
Loss Turned into Opportunity
(F.S. – Budapest, Hungary) – In the beginning of the week we rolled the cube with the guys of my department, and it said: “Competitors can be friends too.” We are trying hard to get into a new market segment for us, in which opportunities were created by a new law. We tendered at a … Continue Reading
Even Future Competitors
(J.M. – Indiana, USA) – Rolled “Competitors Can Be a Friends Too!” today and saw how I could live it. Sad that an employee was leaving to work for a competitor, but took the time to celebrate with a going away party all the good things he accomplished these last 8 1/2 years. Before he … Continue Reading